Icespire Peak was visible from the town on clear days. The climate was temperate, with an average yearly rainfall of 18 inches (46 centimeters). This was a region rich with both natural resources and adventuring opportunities. It was northeast of Leilon where the road that ran from the High Road to Triboar faded into a trail. Phandalin was located in the Lost Hills of the Sword Mountains south of Neverwinter Wood. The townsfolk would congregate in a small town square and an adjacent town green.
The town was dominated by an apple orchard on the west side and a ruined manor atop a hill to the east. The town quickly grew to about fifty well-maintained structures built of logs and flagstones with three deep wells providing water.
In the late 15 th century DR, Phandalin was a modest and architecturally boring town of hard-working frontiersfolk built atop the ruins of the old Phandalin.